August 17, 2018

Studies show time and again that many customers are happy to make a charitable donation as an add-on to a retail purchase. In addition to asking customers for add-on donations at the Sales Station cash register or using the mobile app, organizations can also increase donations during online purchases using Doubleknot’s integrated checkout donation request.
The following resources are available to help you set up an integrated checkout donation request:
- Integrating Checkout Donation Requests into Your Web Site (User Brief). To view this document, click User Manuals in the Administer panel. The user brief is located in the Event Management section.
- Online help. At the top of any page, click Help. The section “Integrating a Checkout Donation Request into Your Web Site” is a top-level item in the navigation panel at the left, and a link to the topic is included in the text of the main page under the Donations heading.
If you need help setting up your checkout donation request, please don’t hesitate to let us know at Support@doubleknot.com.

We are pleased to announce that scout councils can now import complete information and rosters for every group you serve. This feature makes it easier for leaders to sign up troops for events and summer camps because information about everyone in the group will already be preloaded in Doubleknot. Instead of entering detailed information about every participant, leaders can add participants to their registration by clicking Add Someone I Signed Up Before and selecting from the list of preloaded names.
Join us on Thursday, August 23, 2018 at 11 AM Pacific / 2 PM Eastern for an informative webinar on how to use this new feature.

Date: Thursday, August 23, 2018
Time: 2 PM Eastern / 11 AM Pacific
