September 28, 2018

Since its creation in 2012, Giving Tuesday—an international national day of giving created to counter the consumerism of the holiday season—has grown both in popularity and in the amount of funds raised. This year, Giving Tuesday will occur on Tuesday, November 27.
If your organization is participating this year, now is the time to make sure that your online donation pages are optimized for the best donor experience on Giving Tuesday. General guidelines include the following:
- Promote your Giving Tuesday campaign in constituent communications and social media.
- Display a prominent link on your home page for your Giving Tuesday donation campaign. If your organization uses Site Brander, use the DK Links feature to add the link to the Giving Tuesday donation page.
- On the donation page, explain what the funds will be used for and how the donor’s contribution will make an impact.

We are pleased to announce that support for importing program groups and members is now available. For organizations that use group registration and/or reservation features, importing program groups allows you to create complete and accurate data for all the groups you serve, including the automatic assignment of program group privileges to every person identified as an administrator in your import file. After the import is completed, the group administrator or “owner” will have complete information about every group member associated with their logon account. Benefits of this powerful new feature include:
- Streamlining group registrations and reservations: Complete information about each participant is already stored in Doubleknot, so the owner doesn’t need to manually enter names and data by hand. When group owners register their groups for group programs or facility reservations, they can click Add Someone I Signed Up Before and locate a person they want to add in the list. When they click Add, all of the person’s information will automatically be added to the registration or reservation.
- Eliminating errors and missing information: Your organization can review all of the data in the spreadsheet to ensure that it is correct and complete before it’s imported instead of requiring program group leaders to enter data for their members by hand.
IMPORTANT: Documentation and How-To Video
Before using this feature, we strongly recommend that you view the video and download the documentation. Successfully using this feature requires assignment of a new user permission; the presence of specific data columns in the import file; and selecting the correct options to ensure that the data is assigned to the right fields. The following informational resources are available.
- Importing Program Groups and Members User Brief. This short document contains complete instructions for importing groups as well as a checklist to ensure that your data will be imported without issues. The document is located on the User Manuals page, in the Constituent Management section.
- Instructional video. A video explaining the feature is available here. (The Doubleknot pages in this screen look a bit different than the interface you’ll use, but the information and steps are the same.)

Doubleknot is planning a number of infrastructure upgrades and enhancements that will take place in early October. These changes are designed to meet our growing demand and provide greater system availability for our customers and their constituents. The upgrades will be scheduled during off hours to minimize disruption. During this time, Doubleknot services may be periodically unavailable. We will publish the date and time of the upgrade as soon as plans are finalized.