Scheduled System Maintenance: August 16, 2021
Doubleknot system maintenance is scheduled to occur on Monday, August 16 from 3 AM ET to 5 AM ET. During this time, services will be unavailable.
New Features: Deactivate Discounts and Find Declined Transactions
The following new features are available.
Deactivate Discounts
It’s easier than ever to deactivate discounts! Deactivating a discount maintains historical usage data for reporting while ensuring that the discount can’t be used for future transactions. To deactivate a discount, follow these steps:
- In Event Management or Membership Management, select Manage Discounts.
- Locate the discount you want to deactivate.
- Click the three-dot menu at the right, and select Deactivate. A confirmation dialog box will be displayed.
- Click OK. The discount will be removed from the list.
Deactivating a discount
Find Declined Transactions
When you search for payments, you can now include declined transactions in your results. To search for declined transactions, follow these steps.
- In the Administrator panel, click Financial Accounts.
- Click Find Payments.
- Enter your search criteria.
- Select Include declined transactions.
- Click Search. The results will include all declined transactions that match your criteria.
You can now include declined transactions when you search for payments.
Spotlight is Now a Monthly Newsletter
Starting with this edition, Spotlight will now be published on the first Monday of every month. Do you have suggestions or ideas for articles? Let us know at support@doubleknot.com!
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